Decoration in coronavirus-time

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The pandemic has imposed new trends which are focused on creating a favourable environment in all the spaces 


Although it seems that the worst is over, the health crisis caused by the pandemic has changed our way of understanding life at home and will continue doing so in the coming years. The impact of the corona-virus on decoration and interior design is being noticeable. 

On the other hand, as a result of the epidemic, some of us had to start seeing our home with different eyes and give it a more professional approach, for example, for teleworking. This exceptional context was the propitious framework to seek intelligent solutions and take decisions regarding the distribution and image of our spaces. In this way, we can maximize or enhance elements such as functionality or comfort.

With the quarantine, the ancient Chinese discipline Feng Shui also picked up strength. This has the objective of creating a harmonious order in the rooms. Using appropriate colours and taking advantage of natural light to promote the flow of energy and well-being in the spaces.


Interior decoration: trends after the pandemic


The fact of having spent a long time without leaving our home and having used it to carry out different activities that we normally do outside has generated new contemporary needs. And now, our home cannot satisfy them.

What does the future hold? Well, the pandemic has imposed new trends focused on creating a favourable environment in all the spaces of our home, or at least in the most social areas or those that have greater use. Elements such as light and colours are the key to achieve this purpose.


1. Correct use of colours in each room of the house


In the case of living rooms and lounges, blue is recommended, which encourages relaxation and dialogue. On the other hand, if we want stimulating effects and favour the flow of positive energy, the ideal colours would be oranges, mustards and reds.

For the kitchens, mustard and yellow colours are used. According to Feng Shui, these colours favour digestion and at the same time provide high doses of energy. We also find many creators who prefer dark kitchens.

In the bathrooms it is advisable to use cold combinations that remind of water and promote relaxation; between them; turquoise, light green and blue.

For all who have their home office or who have set up a space to develop their professional activity, they should paint it beige combined with some green or light blue. These combinations favour the creation of pleasant environments.

The bedrooms, being a space for rest and relaxation, should be decorated with tones that stimulate sleep. For example: green and blue, as well as earth tones, pink and makeup.


2.Taking advantage of natural light



During the design phase, one of the elements that are highly important is the efficient use of natural light. This has been especially in the last years when the construction of passive houses which are sustainable and environmentally friendly had a big boom.


Windows and doors made of transparent materials, such as glass, are the most used as they favour the lighting of spaces and the absence of dark corners.

The current goal is to avoid the use of halogen or ceiling lights throughout the day because they can cause headaches and visual problems.

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3. The kitchen: centre of the home


The word home comes from the Latin focāris, which is translated into English as fire. Well, since ancient times, this space was not only for cooking, but also families made their lives around the fire. And this is one of the spaces that had a great importance in some houses, during the pandemic.

In addition, more and more people prefer designs that are open to the living room, dining room or other rooms of the house which are more efficient and functional.


4. Including natural elements both in the interior and exterior areas


The objects or furniture made of wood, rattan, bamboo or any other material from nature, are widely accepted nowadays.

These are materials that can be included without major difficulties in multiple spaces, regardless of the style of decoration that predominates. Also, thanks to their originality, they can be used to create contrasts with muted tones.

Another common practice is to add plants and decorate interior social spaces, among which we can find the hall or living rooms.

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5. The Peak of the Minimalist Style

Despite having reached its popularity in the last century, at the forefront of innovation about design, minimalism is currently reappearing among the most demanded trends, since it promotes open spaces, easy to maintain.

This style focuses on using pieces, objects, elements and forms that are common and simple, paying special attention to the quality of the materials that compose them.



Feng Shui applied to the current situation


The discipline Feng Shui has been taken up worldwide in the middle of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. The application of its bases contributes to create friendly atmospheres, charged with positive energy.

Let’s see its most outstanding fundamentals. 



1. Define the function of each space in the house


According to this philosophy, it is advisable to carry out daily tasks or those related to the professional plan in specific spaces, rooms or corners. This will help to precisely delineate the role that each part of the home will have. To promote our well-being, we must avoid doing all or several activities in the same place.



2. Use large mirrors in the rooms


Mirrors are widely used objects in the decoration of social spaces because they help light and energy flow.

However, it is better to avoid their use in bedrooms, since they cause a multiplying effect of our image and too much movement for a space destined to rest.


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3. Recycle pieces, decorative objects, blankets and bedspreads


Currently, the reuse of not only decorative objects, but also furniture, bedding and bedspreads is fashionable. This practice, in addition to contributing to personal savings, is considered respectful with the environment. And it helps that old pieces, which would end up in the trash, are restored or reused. In short, to have a second life.

Similarly, the combination of old and new elements, as well as the mix of styles; it is very desirable in the general aesthetics of the spaces.



4. Use of spaces for storage, without accumulating things


It is advisable to leave the objects, pieces and tools that are usually necessary to us, or those that facilitate our daily tasks, within reach. However, there are others which are not used continuously and can be stored in a specific place.

Storage spaces at home fulfil this function and bring all our things together in a single space, which avoids the feeling of disorder. A well-organized closet translates into significant time savings.


5. Avoid loaded and full of stuff environments


In line with the previous point, it is recommended that homes be fully functional. For this, it is better to avoid the excessive use of the elements in the rooms, including decoration items. The objective is to motivate the spaces to have an adequate visual balance.


6. Avoid using electronic equipment in rest areas


According to Feng Shui, this equipment can cause, in some people, states of anxiety and fatigue, as well as nervousness. Avoiding the presence of objects such as a television or a stereo in the bedroom can promote rest.


In short, decoration trends after the corona-virus are focused on creating spaces that invite relaxation, comfort, functionality and, at the same time, allow the development of professional tasks.


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